If you have an unexpected shortage of funds in your Patelco checking account, your overdraft line of credit takes over to cover you.
Once you sign up for this convenient feature, we will process your transactions on your Patelco 检查 account, even if they dip your balance below $0.00. Instead of paying an overdraft fee, you’ll pay interest only on the amount you borrowed for the amount of time it’s outstanding.
No cash advance fees (unlike credit cards), plus get a competitive, fixed rate
感兴趣 you would pay is much less than an overdraft fee
With on-time payments, can help establish credit history on your credit report
Access overdraft protection with no credit check
术语 | 量 | 4月1 | |||
19910 | 开放式的 | 最高500美元 | 17.90 | 05/04/2023 | 12 |
This is a line of credit that may be used if your checking account does not have enough funds when a check, debit or withdrawal is made against your checking account. It enables your transactions to go through (up to your available limit) even if the balance in your account falls below $0.00. Additionally, the line of credit establishes credit on your credit report. You only pay interest on the amount used
正确的, you may only use your Patelco 即时备份™ 信贷额度 for overdraft advances to your checking account, you may not make any transfers or withdrawals with the 即时备份™ 信贷额度.
There is no fee on the Patelco 即时备份™ 信贷额度. As with most unsecured loans, if you incur a late payment, this may be reported to the credit bureaus.
The minimum payment is $25.00 or 2% of the unpaid balance, whichever is greater. (If balance is less than $25.00, minimum payment will be full balance owed.)
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1 4月 = Annual Percentage Rate. All loans are subject to credit approval, restrictions apply, rates are subject to change. Loan rates offered effective 04/05/2023. 年利率范围是17.90 for 即时备份™ 信贷额度. Minimum payment is $25.00 or 2% of the unpaid balance, whichever is greater. (If balance is less than $25.00, minimum payment will be full balance owed.) To learn more about rates, 条款, and exclusive discounts for members, such as Commitment Household, 呼叫 800.358.8228 or visit any Patelco branch.
2 While your credit report is not pulled for the purpose of using your credit score to qualify you for a specific interest rate for the 即时备份 Overdraft 信贷额度, 帕特尔科信用合作社 does, and will report your payment history to the credit bureaus.